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The Ultimate Arbitrum Airdrop Claim Guide
Yohji Van Weert
Key Takeaways
3 min read
  • Approving the Arbitrum token contract in advance can save precious time for those who wish to trade their tokens immediately after claiming them.
  • By claiming tokens directly from the contract the risk of issues caused by claim page downtime is mitigated.
  • Enabling alternative RPC providers, such as Alchemy or Quicknode, in addition to the default Metamask Infura provider can increase the likelihood of successfully claiming during periods of high network congestion.


With the highly anticipated Arbitrum airdrop just around the corner on Thursday, March 23rd, 2023, and scheduled to go live at 12:50 P.M. UTC at the time of writing, preparation is essential to stay ahead of the curve. As observed during the Optimism airdrop, high network congestion led to default RPCs being slow or even experiencing downtime. However, those who came prepared were able to claim their tokens earlier than others and trade at favorable prices.

The following addresses are important for the Arbitrum airdrop: