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On-Chain Privacy, Say Milady, and Transponders
Osgur Murphy O Kane

What's New at Nansen

Research Reports

Macro Monday: "Sell in May…

  • The May seasonality, which is associated with a statistical underperformance of equities, and a challenging fiscal, lending, and monetary backdrop, are currently weighing on risk assets.
  • Crypto tactical indicators are also turning less bullish.
  • Crypto and other risk assets are unlikely to correct significantly before US growth falters, though. The odds of a recession are higher after 2023, once US households’ $1.6 trillion excess savings have dried up.
  • Read the report here.

Exploring the Landscape of Real World Assets

  • The report introduces a Real World Assets (RWA) Price Index, which tracks the performance of 22 RWA governance tokens on Ethereum with leading market capitalization. The index has outperformed ETH and BTC since the beginning of the year, with significant outperformance in January and April.
  • Read the report here.

War Room Call Notes

  • Topics discussed include:
    • Negative Empire State Report
    • Anticipation for Apple's VR Headset
    • Memecoins
    • Privacy Protocols
  • Read the notes here.

General Discussion

War Room

Railgun - On-Chain Privacy

  • RAILGUN is a DeFi privacy toolkit powering a rich on-chain ZK privacy ecosystem.
  • Wallet setup here.
  • Website / Twitter


  • Member keeping a close eye on Nocturne. It allows users to send and receive funds without revealing their address. It works with account abstraction and ZK proofs.
  • Website / Twitter

CME CEO Discusses Regulation and Crypto

  • Podcast here
  • Around minute 48, CME's CEO talks about regulation and its impact on crypto.
  • Essentially says what is listed by CME is safe. Mentions specifically BTC (but they also have ETH futures).

Ledger Recover

  • Ledger launches a controversial new product that some members of the community have labelled it a ‘hot wallet’. Some have stated that you cannot opt out of the ledger device leaking data to the internet, and can only opt out of Ledger doing it with intent. However, members not sure how accurate this is.
  • Tweet here.


Say Milady

  • New collection from someone in Milady community.
  • Member saw Banteg minting and swept a few.
  • OpenSea / Twitter
  • Multiple Alpha members have minted.
  • Banteg has a bid wall at 0.01+, but member is pretty sure bots are bulk selling.
  • There is a lot of FUD going on now regarding this collection. It is not from the official Milady team and was launched by someone from the community. And the Milady team has launched an official banner collection before. So it divides the community a bit, some people embrace it and some hate it.
  • Some OGs are onboard and a member likes the design process so will hold some. The member does not advise going crazy with position sizing.


  • Member says if you're going to mint you should hold onto them for a couple of days; there's a new snapshot on the 17th and all Transponders count.
  • Member played the game that was a requirement for the mint, thought it was OK.
  • Members agree that sentiment is negative with the mint price though.
  • Member “Just did preparation for phase 2 codelawless. I think it is cool engaging experience. Given the past team experience and approach they taking now with mint, I am thinking to buy max limit of lawless and see what they build eventually. Think in this case RR is worth trying”
  • Website FAQ / Twitter



Avoid Doxxing on Coinbase

  • For those who use Coinbase regularly, be cautious when depositing ERC-20s and ensure you are creating unique deposit addresses so as not to DOX.
  • Tweet here.

Short-Term and Degen Trading Discussion

Degen Bets Channel

RG Tokens

  • Member now a top 30 holder
  • The thesis is that tomorrow there will be a Twitter spaces organized by the RG team that may be a catalyst event.
  • Member says Figure31 shared something about a possible new token SCYTHE; member’s wishful thinking says RG will somehow benefit — very degen play.
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Daily Summary
Disclosure: The authors of this content and members of Nansen may be participating or invested in some of the protocols or tokens mentioned herein. The foregoing statement acts as a disclosure of potential conflicts of interest and is not a recommendation to purchase or invest in any token or participate in any protocol. Nansen does not recommend any particular course of action in relation to any token or protocol. The content herein is meant purely for educational and informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as financial, investment, legal, tax or any other professional or other advice. None of the content and information herein is presented to induce or to attempt to induce any reader or other person to buy, sell or hold any token or participate in any protocol or enter into, or offer to enter into, any agreement for or with a view to buying or selling any token or participating in any protocol. Statements made herein (including statements of opinion, if any) are wholly generic and not tailored to take into account the personal needs and unique circumstances of any reader or any other person. Readers are strongly urged to exercise caution and have regard to their own personal needs and circumstances before making any decision to buy or sell any token or participate in any protocol. Observations and views expressed herein may be changed by Nansen at any time without notice. Nansen accepts no liability whatsoever for any losses or liabilities arising from the use of or reliance on any of this content.